How to Use Watermelon for Health

How to Use Watermelon for Health

Watermelon is one of the super fruits that many people don't think of. It contains many great nutrients, is fat free, available nearly year round and is cheap. In addition, it's full of water and sweet enough to be a favorite for adults and


Eat it. Watermelon contains the highest amount of lycopene, an antioxidant (cancer fighter), even higher than tomatoes. It's also a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C. Like most fruits and vegetables, watermelon is low calorie, low sodium and is fat free. Watermelon is also high in water (preventing dehydration), which is why it's so popular on hot days. Recent research finds watermelon may also be a mood elevator.


Mix it into slushies. Add ice, yogurt and watermelon to a blender and blend away. This is a great way to get the health benefits of watermelon while providing you with an easy to eat snack full of protein. It's also great for kids who may make a mess trying to eat this fruit.


Drink the juice. Many companies now sell watermelon juice, allowing you to get the health benefits of watermelon even when watermelons are off-season. You can also squeeze your own watermelon juice--this is easy since watermelon is over 90 percent water.