How to Use Self Hypnosis to Banish Stress

How to Use Self Hypnosis to Banish Stress

Hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy, is an altered state of consciousness. You can achieve this state with the help of a certified hypnotherapist, but you can also practice self-hypnosis. While you are in an altered state during hypnosis, your attention is more focused and you are more responsive to suggestion. Hypnosis has been found to be helpful in relieving chronic pain, helping people to lose weight and reducing stress.

Things You'll Need:

Self-hypnosis audio files (optional)

Comfortable clothing


Sit comfortably in a quiet place and close your eyes.


Relax all of your muscles, beginning with your feet and moving upward.


Choose a positive phrase which relates to your goal for the session. For example, you may want to say "I am totally relaxed." Don't say something like "I am free of stress" because the subconscious mind cannot always differentiate between positives and negatives--it might focus on the word "stress."


Visualize a place that is relaxing for you. It might be a forest or a path to a beautiful beach. Picture leaving your current surroundings and your stress behind and entering this new place.


Focus on your breathing. Expand your abdomen when you inhale. When you exhale, picture yourself releasing stress from your body.


When you are completely relaxed, bring your visualization to mind and begin repeating your positive phrase.

Tips & Warnings

You might want to use a self-hypnosis tape or CD; these contain scripts that walk you through the process. You can also download MP3 files to play on your computer or personal listening device.

Don't give up if your first or second self-hypnosis session is unsuccessful. Many people report that they were not successful initially but eventually saw good results.

Stress can cause severe health problems and even death. If your stress level is very high, see a healthcare professional.