How to Spot Fake Fendi Handbags

How to Spot Fake Fendi Handbags

Today there are so many handbag manufacturers that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the authentic products from the reproductions. Fendi handbags are very popular, yet numerous unscrupulous makers pass off reproductions as originals. Some are priced in the thousands of dollars, and many fakes look very similar to the real deal. Use the tips here to spot a fake Fendi handbag.

Things You'll Need:

A good eye for quality


Talk to the seller of the Fendi handbag. If the seller is a reputable dealer or retailer, they will provide absolute proof that the item is authentic. Certificates of authenticity can be faked as well, though, so knowing the dealer's background is critical.


Look at the strap of the handbag. Most true Fendi bags are strapped with genuine leather-cored straps. Even if the strap appears to be plastic, the core will remain a solid rope of leather.


Open the Fendi handbag and inspect the lining of the purse. True Fendi handbags have a very well stitched lining that may be leather or satin.


Smell it. Even experts will take a small amount of time to actually smell the inside of the Fendi handbag. A fake will smell more like chemicals; a true Fendi handbag has the aroma of calfskin.


Take the Fendi handbag to a local retailer that sells Fendi merchandise. Most reputable dealers will inspect the handbag to ensure its authenticity. Some may charge a small fee, whereas others provide the service for free. Take advantage of these retailers and the services they offer.


Check the quality of the product. Fendi handbags cost what they do for a reason. These are true handmade pieces of art that an actual designer has created. A true Fendi's workmanship will be evident. Fake handbags have poorly stitched seams and logos that have been cut or sewn upon.

Tips & Warnings

Consider the source of the sale. Buying an authentic Fendi handbag from someone on an online auction site for fifty dollars might be a good hint that the item is a fake.

Look for a tag or serial number plate within the Fendi handbag itself. This tag will be clearly visible and have an authentic serial number embossed upon it.

Buying fake Fendi handbags is a crime under most state and federal law.

Supporting manufacturers of fake handbags can provide funds to terrorist groups.